Intel NUC Server Died in the Storm

I was using an intel NUC as a mini server for several years. It (or the power supply) died in T.S./hurricane Ernesto. I purchased a NUC 13 Pro and went about setting it up with Proxmox. At first I had issues installing anything. It turns out that my new Kexin USB sticks are garbage. That disappoints me because I use them for my camera sd cards.

After I got that figured out we went right back into a multi hour power outage. That stalled everything. Once I could get back to it I then proceeded to install Ubuntu 24.04 as my VM image. I decided against using the LXC containers. I read it is easier to backup a full image. We shall see. I have not setup a backup yet and I do have to play with LXC containers.

My old SSD still worked. That was good. I really only had a Unifi Controller, Unifi Video and rustdesk. The other stuff like TTS was just some fun learning. I know I did it the wrong way but I did eventually get everything moved over. Unifi Controller and Rust Desk where in docker containers. I had to copy a few directories over and then mess with them. Unifi Video was not in a docker image but it is now. The instructions all said to create tar files of the containers and then copy them over. I couldn’t get docker to see any of these containers on the SSD. It probably was user error but it does not matter now because I got it to work.

For a backup I haven’t settled on what exactly I want to use for the backups and where to keep them. I have to keep my onsite data to a minimum due to the potential of a hurricane wiping out the place.

For now I am happy. If the NUC would have died a natural death this is the path I wanted to take. I had an older version of Ubuntu on it. I had installed the desktop version (it was a failed attempt at some other testing and I never used it) and it was getting full of clutter of my other testing.

I could have gone with a cheaper mini computer and installed proxmox but I wanted to have that peace of mind of having a quality build. 32GB of RAM is also a lot more than the 8 GB I had previously.