I was unable to find my plex server for a very long time. I got frustrated and left it. It took me SIX months to get back to it. SIX MONTHS! I was frustrated. Thankfully I have it figured out now.
My issue was one of simplicity and stupidity but the latter might be too harsh. My issues were actually two fold. Number 1, I had 2 devices that were registering with the same IP. Not sure how that happened but I had one set as a static DHCP and another as just a static on the device. Switched them both to static DHCP with the Plex server having a new IP. Rebooted and that was that. The second issue I came across – and this one took awhile to discover – was that I had my server under one plex account email and my plex clients under another account. I’m using ubuntu server to host so I have to edit an XML file. It varies depending on what OS you are using.
What’s weird for me is the name of the support article. It’s called “Why am I locked out of server settings and how do I get back in?” I wouldn’t have thought to use any of those keywords in a search. I get how it is the same issue but still weird for me.
Here is a direct link to that article: https://support.plex.tv/articles/204281528-why-am-i-locked-out-of-server-settings-and-how-do-i-get-in/?_ga=2.255073608.1513918720.1555362890-1751339953.1555209432