Category: Adobe
To View the Flash Technology content in this PDF file, please install the required version of Flash Player
“To View the Flash Technology content in this PDF file, please install the required version of Flash Player” was the latest message I had to decipher. Luckily I found my answer on Adobe’s forums. Problem is that the “correct answer” is not the correct answer. I found it near the middle of the thread where someone…
This action cannot be completed because the file is open in another program PDF
“This action cannot be completed because the file is open in another program. This is the message I was receiving when trying to delete some PDF files. It took me a full five minutes but there are tons of comments about this on Adobe’s website. The solution is simple and it doesn’t seem to be…
Adobe Reader Doesn’t Open in Windows 8
Adobe Reader doesn’t open in Windows 8 at least not on every attempt. I have uninstalled and reinstalled Reader and have yet to see a difference. I also am not sure what causes it. What I do know is that Reader is opening in the background but is not being displayed on the screen. Acrobat…
There was an error opening this document. Access is denied. Adobe Reader and Outlook
I got this message recently while opening a PDF from Outlook. It has been a very long time since I ran across this but it may be because most of my clients are migrating away from Outlook. It would be nice if Adobe give us a more descriptive message since it really is not an…