Migrating Dexis 10

Migrating Dexis 10 turned out to be pretty easy if you remember to stop the SQL server on both the new and old computers.

This was a migration from Windows 7 desktop to a Windows 8.1 image on VMWare ESXi.

The first step we did was to upgrade Dentrix from G5 to G6 on the old computer.  This went without a hitch.  In fact it was quicker to update to G6 than it was to go to 5.1.  I got the whole office upgraded rather quickly.

The next day I called Dentrix and setup a time with them to migrate the machine.  This took a few hours but we didn’t have any issues here either except one.  The clients were still looking at the old server.  A registry edit took care of that.  Basically the directions that they provide are spot on about copying over the files, stopping the old SQL database and then restoring the database.  Only difference was they didn’t have me reinstall G6 on the old computer when we were through. I just stopped the Dentrix  Server services on the old computer so it could still be used as a client.

For Dexis I tried to just copy the stuff over and then point the clients to the new locations. I thought that worked but the next work day I noticed that the server was still pointing to the old machine.  I stopped the SQL service on the old machine and new one.  Copied the data file over and then restarted the service on the new machine.  The clients picked up the new server beautifully.  On the old computer I disabled the service so it wouldn’t show up again.

I loathed Dentrix before but they have come a very long ways.  Once Dexis gives the green light I will move the whole office over to Windows 10.

Could Not Connect to Dexis Image Database in Dentrix

I kept getting this error “Could Not Connect to Dexis Image Database” in Dentrix.  I’ve come across this error on several computers in the past and have wasted a lot of time trying to fix it.  Eventually it seems to just work but I can never remember how or why.

This time I paid Dexis Support to help me.  All support did was uninstall Dexis Integrator for Dentrix and reinstalled it.  Almost.  There was one other thing he did.  He verified that UAC (user account control) was turned down to zero.  He then rebooted and then he installed it.

This is where the crazy part comes in.  I verified that the UAC was turned to zero and the computer was rebooted at least 20 times in the last 12 hours.  I even chose “run as administrator” when I clicked on Dexmenu.exe for the install.

While I still can’t understand the why behind it I am going to leave this note here for me because I am sure this will come up again.

The inherent lack of security by Dentrix and Dexis is appalling in this day and age when you need to run the computers without User Account Access turned on.  Firewalling the server?  Slows Dentrix down to a crawl.  It’s a disaster waiting to happen but since Dentrix has a former HIPAA official on payroll they won’t have to worry about any lawsuits.