This article is to help remind me how to fix problems I ran into installing LMS on Windows 8 and now Windows 8.1. It’s been 2 years and here are still with the same issues.
LMS is a Loan Management System created by Anchor Commercial. I recently installed LMS on a Windows 8 system. Windows 8 was virtualized.
I had 2 problems with LMS. The first issue I had was I couldn’t see my mapped network drive for the database. I had to edit the registry to fix the issue. It is related to LMS running in an elevated state as administrator.
Type in REGEDIT in a command prompt.
Navigate or search for this area in the registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Policies/System
Proceed to add a new key called EnableLinkedConnections
Assign a DWORD value of 1.
Save and reboot. From that point on you should see the mapped network drive.
The second issue I had was several generic messages that would crash the program. 1 problem was a permissions issue. For some reason I needed to open up the permissions of my file server a bit more. The database is sitting in a samba share. I had to do 1 more thing to cause it to stop crashing. I created a local database on the Windows 8 image first then switched to the shared drive and deleted the created new database. That cleared out all my errors and now I have a working copy of LMS!